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I serve on the leadership team at my school and we are preparing for WASC. My principal assigned me the Data Analysis portion of WASC. It is a brand new format and I need help. The factor reads: The school uses educationally sound assessment processes to collect data. The school dis-aggregates and analyzes student performance data and uses the analysis as a basis for instructional/curricular improvement. Disaggregation and analysis of all data with clear supporting interpretations. Trends and possible issues identified. Disaggregated data and other resources used by the instructional staff are integral to improve student achievement. Does anyone have a resource they recommend? A list of all possible assessments? The obvious ones are standardized tests and classroom assessments, but I believe they are looking for more than the obvious. Trends- longitudinal studies? Thank you for any advice you can share! Beth
Dale D Do you use the ACRE assessment? It's from the NCEA and is a very strong component towards assessing your religion program. Taking it step farther, have you co-ordinated it with (and used it in evaluating) your present religion text series and support system? This is an arduous process, but extremely beneficial in analyzing why certain areas seem "w...See More
Jan 5, 2010
MCH - Gr2 We went through WCEA/WASC last year and I was also responsible for the data analysis. I agree with everything Dale D said - except that if you use ITBS the results are now available on line and it is very easy to do longitudinal studies. The information is very specific and can really help to determine what the specific needs are of all the student...See More
Jan 5, 2010

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