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I am so frustrated----as with all churches---groups from within the parish use the facilty with the school---this past Saturday (preparing for Open House) our biggest way to show off our school ----our tech teacher and a few parents came to school and really cleaned up the campus--- 3 of us spent 3 hours working in the clubroom if you will to prepare for the open house---we organized, cleaned-- stood on ladders, dusted, scrubbed, picked up tables (atleast 25)--it looked so good---the stage was clean and well organized---we felt great and ready for open house--- all that was needed was the maintainance team to do the floors---you know they can be tough to do--we came in this morning----the people doing the passion play--destroyed everything---they moved the stage peices--they moved all the furnitute, the chairs were spread all over the place--- --they did not even put it back the way they found it----i am so frustrated----the disrespect----i know if a few of the parents go and see it--t...See More
Alas, we often share this issue I can appreciate your frustration. In teaching ministry we give extra all the time and sometimes, it is taken for granted and that someone will clean up afterwards. I know there is a saying somewhere that has been quoted in some church bulletins and school newsletters that says something about doing things and uses words like "somebody" and "nobody...See More
Jan 26, 2010
Anon for this one This is a very common problem that is shared by most Catholic Schools. Remember that most of these groups are staffed by volunteers who may not realize the problems they are causing. The principal and pastor should set up a system of accountability for the groups, letting them know that they need to leave the facility clean and in the way they foun...See More
Feb 16, 2010
ignore On 1/25/10, asst princ wrote: > I am so frustrated----as with all churches---groups from > within the parish use the facilty with the school---this > past Saturday (preparing for Open House) our biggest way > to show off our school ----our tech teacher and a few > parents came to school and really cleaned up the campus--- > 3 of u...See More
Mar 24, 2010

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