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How do most of you handle prayer at the beginning of class?

My kids are complaining (it's the end of the year, I guess that's what they are supposed to do) because I gave them a prayer sheet at the beginning of the year and they don't like getting it out to pray. It has a variety of prayers including many that they don't know/have memorized.

The kids say they would rather say the same prayer over and over again instead of getting out their prayer sheet. I think I'd go nuts saying the same prayer 6 times a day every day. I also think that by saying the same prayer over and over again it loses its meaning. It is also why I have the students all say the prayer instead of one person reading it. My experience is that one person is the only one who hears it, everyone else is checked out.


4th What grade are they? There are certain prayers that I focus on the kids learning during the year, generally ones they come into my classroom not knowing yet. I write them on chart paper and they hang in the front of the room above the whiteboard. I let my 'chaplain' choose the prayer.
May 21, 2010
Zodea High school :-)

I choose a prayer for the day and say it at the beginning of each class. I do not like it when one student says a prayer or devotion. They either mumble or stumble over the words and it seems like no one is actually listening. I like saying the payers together, but don't want to do the same three of four prayers (that they ...See More
May 26, 2010
RS Middle school: We take prayer requests at the beginning of Bible, then one of the students combines those requests into a prayer. No two days are the same and the students look forward to hearing someone say a prayer specifically for their need.

Good luck!

On 5/26/10, Zodea wrote: > High school :-) > > I choose a prayer f...See More
May 26, 2010
Zodea What do you mean at the beginning of Bible? Is this a once a day thing or 6 times a day? My experience is that once you allow them to make prayer requests, student will drag it out and seriously interfere with class time.

On 5/26/10, RS wrote: > Middle school: > We take prayer requests at the beginning of Bible, then one of the >...See More
May 26, 2010

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