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The concept of preferences to different individual learning styles was introduced in an accompanying document. (See learning styles). In this document you look at the associated concept of approaches to learning. The original work on approaches to learning was carried out by Marton and Saljo (1976). Their study explored students' approaches to learning a particular task. Students were given an academic text to read, and were told that they would subsequently be asked questions on that text. The students adopted two differing approaches to learning. The first group adopted an approach where they tried to understand the whole picture and tried to comprehend and understand the academic work. These students were identified with adopting a deep approach to learning. The second group tried to remember facts contained within the text, identifying and focusing on what they thought they would be asked later. They demonstrated an approach that we would recognize as rote lea...See More
CSU Prof Nice explanation and is very similar to discussions in these two excellent books:

What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain, Harvard University Press (2004), ISBN: 0674013255

This book is a very thoughtful study of over 65 college professors that have distinguished themselves with their students and others during their teaching ...See More
May 16, 2009

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