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Hello, I wanted to make you all aware of a new DVD we've just produced here at the Bronx Zoo called "Methods for Animal Behavior Research". It is designed to be the definitive tutorial in behavioral research. Over six chapters, the viewer is taken through all of the steps of the scientific process - from conducting literature searchings to considerations for data analysis - as they pertain to behavioral research. Chapters also cover developing research questions and hypotheses, developing ethograms (behavior lists and definitions), experimental design, and observational data collection methods. Two example research projects are developed and conducted over the course of the DVD. There are supplementary materials in PDF files on the DVD as well. The chapter on behavioral data collection methods provides opportunities for students to learn each method by collecting data from video and getting feedback on their data. The DVD is a collaborative project of the Behavior Advisory Group of the...See More
sleuth to David Powell Sir, I just want to say that the concept of your research pertaining to (animal behavior) was extra-ordinary, and result itself was conspicuously outstanding.. Although I am not a Zoology Major, I believed you have accomplished something for the present and future students to value and cherish. I applaud your hard work and dedication.. God Bless.. ...See More
May 16, 2009
MPB I did my master's research on the sociosexual behavior of hamadryas baboons at the St. Louis Zoo and watched a Research Methods VHS put out by the Minnesota Zoo (Research Methods for Studying Animal Behavior in a Zoo Setting) . Now as an Instructor, I am desperately looking for an updated Research Methods DVD with accompanying data sheets for behav...See More
Aug 14, 2011

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