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The arguments made for and against Life Experience schools is compelling.

It must hard for so many participants in the debate who have invested time and money into a traditional post secondary education to digest the idea of someone who has not toiled in the same manner reaping the same reward.

On the other hand, as someone who has worked for 20 years paying taxes that support the public universities, I am equally incensed that the National Center for Education Statistics reports 95.4% of high school graduates and 71% of COLLEGE GRADUATES can't read a complex piece of writing. Or that the Washington Post reported in 2005 that literacy among college graduates was on a DECLINE, and "... Only 31 percent of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it. That's not saying much for the remainder."

Someone stated in an earlier post that Almeda, specifically, is operating both "illegally" and within a "loophole". These allegations contradict one ...See More
Donni Legitimate PLA programs are OK, but Almeda University is neither licensed as a University nor authorized to operate as such by any State within the United States of America. Now, the State of Oregon has officially posted an announcement that Almeda University is a "Degree Mill"

[link removed]

Almeda College (University) Florida, ...See More
Jun 7, 2009

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