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Who Cares Now? by Hardy Parkerson

"Teacher, teacher, don't whip me! Whip that nigge(x) behind that tree! He stole money, and I stole honey; Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ain't that funny!"

We sung that little song During recess at good old White Oak School: The richest little schoolhouse in Texas, Where football's number one.

And the teacher beat me for doing nothing wrong, Just to show me that she could. And I've never forgotten that lesson! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ain't that funny!

The school board gave us the best of uniforms; But when we wore them out, They gave them to the Black kids over at Shiloh. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ain't that funny!

The teacher was the Scoutmaster And took us to Tonkawa; Initiated us by running us through the belt-line In our bathing suits.

As the older Scouts stood and beat us with lanyards On our bare backs and legs, As the Scoutmaster stood and laughed. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ain't that funny!

I always wondered if the teacher-...See More

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