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Ode to Lynda Lee (On I WILL LIFT UP MINE EYES, by Glenn Clark; Harper and Bros. 1937) by Hardy Parkerson

This old book is tattered; This old book it torn; This old book is yellow; This old book is worn. The one who wrote it now is dead. Oh, how he wanted this old book read!

This old book grew old; It looked a terrible sight And so the librarian threw it away one night; But a scholar, digging in the trash for books, Rescued it from the bin. Now this old book is read again.

The author of this old book is dead and forgotten, But his words speak on on pages now rotten. The worm and roach have done their deeds Upon its spine and edges; But just as much today as ever The author speaks from its pages.

Within these pages are diamonds and pearls For scholars and saints to discover; But the librarian threw it away, Regarding only its yellowed cover.

Oh, read with care and turn with ease The pages of this old book: The one the scholar rescued from the...See More

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