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I teach in a community college and once in a while I have one or two students that spend some of their time talking too much during class. I know this is college level and you can ask them to leave the class if they don't want to be quiet. But, what would you do so they stop chatting? Thanks.
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L. Swilley this is college level and you > can DEMAND they leave the class if they don't want to be > quiet.

L. Swilley
Jun 6, 2009
bernoulli I have been teaching college level for over 20 years. If two students are talking I stop lecturing and just stare at them. Usually in a few seconds they realize that the whole class, including me, is staring at them and they stop. If they keep talking I ask them if they would like to share with the whole class.

I don't remember ever having...See More
Jun 6, 2009
Hardy Parkerson, J.D. Once I was hired on as a professor at a major university and had a mixed class of about 150 of handsome young men (I assume) and most beautiful young girls in the world. Well, smartest guy in the whole class was a master with the beautiful girls in the class, and they all sourrounded him and laughed aloud at every comment he made during my lectures...See More
Jun 7, 2009
C'est moi On 6/07/09, Hardy Parkerson, J.D. wrote: He suggested that I get > the biggest and dumbest guy in the class- > preferably a football player--and ask him if > he would like to make an "A" in the class. > When the big guy affirmed that he surley would > like the A, but did not think he was capable of it, > then I should tell him how...See More
Jun 10, 2009
Hardy Parkerson I didn't say that. I said the guy "made" his A: he got it the old- fashioned way, he "earned" it. The class was a Criminal Justice class, and the big football player brought a lot of "justice"to the class. He also taught that "smartest guy in the class" a good lesson, which has served him well over the years; for he went on to law school, graduated...See More
Jun 10, 2009

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