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The California Faculty Association voted to allow the union to negotiate a furlough agreement with the CSU for two days/month, resulting in about a 10% cut in pay. Problem is now in the details. How do you give two days off to university instructors? Do they get the same teaching load? Or is it reduced by 10% also. At my campus we have a new calendar of furlough days for staff (2 Fridays/month), but it includes days when classes are in session. So faculty will be teaching, but the staff will be gone...hmmmm. I personally would have been happy to just all agree that we were taking a 10% cut in pay and efforts will be made not to increase class sizes.

Now, what I think will happen from a practical point of view is that many faculty will take a different posture with students who fail to show any sense of responsibility for their studies or for following the curriculum. I think there will be a lot less sympathy for students who ignore advising (I am hoping that the upside of all...See More

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