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I'm just following up with the posts from the beginning of the semester. I was wondering how your first semester went? I actually loved my first semester. My students are great. Of course there are the frustrating ones that don't put in the effort, but overall they were a fun, respectful group. The semester was a huge learning experience for me in terms of pacing my lectures, grading, what to expect etc. It was MUCH more time consuming than I anticipated. I'm really looking forward to next semester.
Winnie King I had a lovely time, too. I was worried about new technology, since I have not taught regularly since the 1980's, but everything worked out well. I am building tech skills slowly, but the students were very helpful. Once the students understood that it was not an adversarial situation, they relaxed, did their work, and had fun. On the first day of ...See More
Dec 1, 2009

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