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I just want to express my concern as to why the over priced colleges think they have the right to do what ever they want on kids these days. Setting in a classroom gives no justice or any help to the working class people out there busting there buts to make money for there families and just because they do not have the time nor the money to attend a great college. So what is correct here? someone that works everyday in his or hers field of work for a long time and now there comes this kid right out of school that knows more then this woman or man because they have a piece of paper that says they do???(what do you call this). The kids these days do not know how to do much nor do they want to learn from the EXPERIENCE people in there field. So if Almeda University is offering life long experience degrees for the hard working people out there then why not take advantage of it and why say it is a fraud??? because if you say that, then everyone that has worked in there field is a fraud itse...See More

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