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In my husband's department in a public college, the chair of his department suddenly decreed that faculty were to have no more bulletin boards outside of their offices. He does not like to acknowledge that there is an undergraduate program having already taken down the undergraduate photos of classes of students and only having graduate students photos posted now. He took advantage of the administration decision to paint the hallways in the building "to decree" that all bulletin boards would be coming down and would not be put back up.

My husband had taken advantage of two boards beside his office and two right across the hall in recent years to put up photos of students engaged in his classes, printed photos of the class's visual simulations and current articles and examples of his field of study. In other words the information on "his boards" was timely, current and either course or industry specific. So he put his boards back up and guess what - Sunday night or early Monda...See More
L. Swilley On 3/25/10, Mom to Three wrote: > > In my husband's department in a public college, the chair of > his department suddenly decreed that faculty were to have no > more bulletin boards outside of their offices. He does not > like to acknowledge that there is an undergraduate program > having already taken down the undergraduate phot...See More
Mar 25, 2010

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