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Today I was brainstorming about what areas I need to focus on in the coming years so I am preparing my students academically for college courses since foreign language classes at the high school level in California are considered a college-prep elective. Here are the areas/skills I came up with:

-study habits/skills -reading strategies -research papers -note-taking -cooperative learning

Am I missing anything?
rw You could also break those down into subtopics. For instance:

RESEARCH PAPERS --finding research sources (books, database articles, etc.) --evaluating research sources -- integrating research sources (quoting, paraphrasing) --citation (in-text and Works Cited) --MLA vs. APA --how to add analysis for analytical papers (vs. informative paper...See More
Apr 19, 2010
bernoulli Time management (balanced life) How to choose classes What Policies and Procedures to know Academic Integrity

also explore this site: [link removed]

On 4/19/10, rw wrote: > You could also break those down into subtopics. For instance: > > RESEARCH PAPERS > --finding research sources (books, database articles, etc.) >...See More
Apr 19, 2010

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Language Arts

Foreign Language