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The list below is from a discussion on the Administrator chatboard about the unacceptable behaviors that constitute teacher bullying of students.

I replied with a little food for thought, but it was removed. They apparently didn't like the parallel between teacher bullying and administrator bullying. I think it is very telling, and a very important point.

"It sounds like the same techniques that administrators use on teachers. Is it any surprise when teachers use these same techniques on their students? Food for thought..."

The list of unacceptable behaviors: (how many of these have teachers experienced from administrators?)

Giving punitive or mean-spirited responses Withholding approval Using embarrassment Making kids keep secrets from other staff and parents Teasing to torment Public ridicule Making them feel that some retribution awaits them in the future Taking out worries/frustrations from home on students Terrorizing (creating fear to torment o...See More

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