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Hi, I am not a college professor, but a student working on my Master's degree in Counseling, with a concentration in student affairs. As a classroom project I have to interview a college professor, preferably someone teaching at a community college. I was wondering if someone would take the time to answer a few questions such as: Why did you decide to pursue a career as a college teacher? What are the advantages of teaching at a community college vs. a two year institution? Disadvantages? What are some of the things you like about your particular institution/ dislike? What is the greatest challenge you have encountered in your teaching carrer at this institution? What have been some of your greatest accomplishments? If you could start over, would you choose his same career path? What are your carrer goals? What are some of the issues or problem areas facing American community colleges today? Anything else you would like to add regarding your experience as a college instructor. Your res...See More

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