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I am a college student who will be student teaching in January. I will be teaching high school Spanish. I have been thinking a lot about different methods of teaching that I would like to use and how I plan to assess my students. I remember that when I was in school, I didn't like the grading system of 100% or below, because I always felt bad when I got a lower grade than my classmates. I was wondering if there were any ways to assess the students without actually giving out numerical grades which can hurt a student's self esteem. I would greatly appreciate any techniques that you may have.
bernoulli On 12/05/10, Melissa wrote: > Hello, > > I am a college student who will be student teaching in > January. I will be teaching high school Spanish. I have > been thinking a lot about different methods of teaching that > I would like to use and how I plan to assess my students. I > remember that when I was in school, I didn't lik...See More
Dec 6, 2010

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