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I'd like to teach Developmental English/Writing on-line, and have over ten years experience teaching this subject-- together with writing/copyrighting a textbook for the class. One of my secondary certifications is in English. But I only have 15 hours in grad English--just three hours shy of the magic 18 in Texas to teach freshman/sophomore college English with a master's in som'n else. Texas plans on doing a way this rule in a couple of years anyway, so you can only teach the subject in which you have a masters. Prepare for some pain if you have an EdPsy masters and they're looking for Psy too.
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JD I hit the "post response" button too soon. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check out TADE, and I have their link on my McGraw-Hill Pageout website. I won a couple of teaching awards during my heyday. Adjunct instructor would be enough since I get disability for COPD. Citizen journalism is a hobby of mine--even more non-lucrative. Next week, I'm go...See More
Jan 31, 2011
marjoryt You are exactly correct about the publishing end!

Truly, you need to find a mentor within your state. I suggest contacting either the Dean of Academic Affairs or the chair of the English Department at your local community college. Ask them to evaluate your resume, with an eye to picking up the specific courses/skills you need. It's very po...See More
Feb 2, 2011
JD Thanks, Marjoryt--That director of the online consortium looks like the perfect mentor in my hometown. Michael Boezi of Flat World Knowledge already turned down my textbook as too regional or too Texas. It may also be too Black as I taught for an HBCU for five years, and I wrote an African-American Studies chapter of 40-som'n pages. However, Mr. Bo...See More
Feb 2, 2011
VJ What is your source that Texas intends to change the Masters + 18 rule?

On 1/18/11, JD wrote:

> But I only have 15 hours in grad English--just > three hours shy of the magic 18 in Texas to teach > freshman/sophomore college English with a master's in som'n > else. Texas plans on doing a way this rule in a couple of &g...See More
Apr 22, 2011
JD Meyer On 4/22/11, VJ wrote: > What is your source that Texas intends to change the Masters > + 18 rule?

Somebody answering the phone at Univ. of Texas at Tyler told me in Summer '10. I didn't read it anywhere, so maybe this info is wrong. JD > > > On 1/18/11, JD wrote: > >> But I only have 15 hours in grad English--just &...See More
Apr 25, 2011

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