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I've known this since 1975 and have never once wavered. She's never been wrong...and never proved wrong by new research. In fact, new research has validated what she taught us.
Jan, with an excerpt The new book about this topic was written by Mike Schmoker....who I love. He has really been on top of it for a few years now. Here's an excerpt from the book:

Chapter 1. The Importance of Simplicity, Clarity, and Priority

As odd as it sounds, simple, well-known strategies and structures drive improvement in any organization (Pf...See More
Jan 20, 2011
judy5ca Jan, thanks for posting this. I like it, but I sent you an email asking about purchase. I want to say here that I am THRILLED BEYOND BELIEF to read the words "authentic literacy." We are just having this discussion now in our new collaborative group (which is a mix of 2 schools who operate quite differently). THANK YOU FOR THE AMMO! Judy

O...See More
Jan 23, 2011

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