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So, I went out and bought the comprehension book and then bought the Schmoker book when it became available--all ready to read and discuss both books. Admittedly, I haven't started the Schmoker book yet although I have read 1/2 of the comprehension book (which is incredible). However, I'm still waiting for the discussion of either book to start. What happened?
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judy5ca dc, I'm sure you've thought of this one, too, but just in case...I used to have them use big graph paper--maybe 3/8" or 1/2"). It helped a lot. Judy

On 4/18/11, we use the partial quotients method to teach wrote: > > long division. Some kids jump quickly to the traditional > method, but the kids who don't have a firm grasp of thei...See More
Apr 18, 2011
dc I just saw this partial quotients on the side idea in a Marilyn Burns article. It seems to make sense, so I think I will try it next year. Some people in my algebra grant cohort have said that this method will cause problems when they get to polynomial division down the road, however, if they never learn the other way. Do you know anything about th...See More
Apr 18, 2011
dc Yes, I love using graph paper for all math computation in third grade. Helps them keep place value columns correct. Thanks though!

I also have been using the division frames from the back of the John Van de Walle blackline masters. They have vertical lines to help them keep things in place too.

I think part of the problem is that...See More
Apr 18, 2011
I'm not sure about the dead end, but I really see a better understanding of what they are actually doing. (Instead of memorizing steps) I do like my kids to move to the traditional method because I think it's easier to do divide larger numbers with decimals using the traditional method. I do the same thing with partial product method in multiplication. I start with that and then teach t...See More
Apr 19, 2011
dc I agree, Dayna. Thanks for all of the great advice. I can't wait to try it all over again "better" next year.
Apr 19, 2011

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