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I am obsessing about how my students performed on the reading portion of our end-of-grade tests, which in short, was Not Good. I was hoping that we were about par with the rest of our district, but we are far lower. We have recently switched to a strict adherence to a basal-driven program and I am wondering this: Is it possible that, if a teacher hasn't fully bought into this program, even though I'm teaching it as best I can, that this could be the problem in my teaching? I am consulting the best minds I know -- you all -- and am hoping for some enlightenment here. TIA.....
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judy5ca I completely agree with Jan when she writes: Our judgement of a program does affect the way we teach it. It's hard to make yourself believe in a program you don't believe in, and it's even harder to teach such a program. BUT I think it is possible. And, I think it's essential.

I should have said that the first year of a new program, any pr...See More
May 28, 2011
molly/ca I found that both basal programs in my state did not fully address the grade level standards. Once I became familiar with the blue print for the state test(available online) I pulled those concepts from the basal and supplemented a great deal. It took several years at a particular grade level to have everything in place. A test score does not defin...See More
May 28, 2011
Jan nfm We are not far apart at all....and I knew we weren't from all our past conversations.

> I completely agree with Jan when she writes: > Our judgement of a program does affect the way we teach it. > It's hard to make yourself believe in a program you don't believe > in, and it's even harder to teach such a program. BUT I think &...See More
May 28, 2011
PMo I've been mulling them over for the past week or so. While I agree with Molly that there are many factors that go into a specific score, I am also certain that there is something in my teaching that I had missed that was NOT okay. I think the increase in ELL students was the most significant factor to the extent that I wasn't providing the kind of ...See More
Jun 6, 2011
naneb My district switched to Reading Street for K-3 this last year. Teachers had to follow the manual exactly. They were given a template for lesson plans that included all components. Our 1st and 2nd grade students take Iowa Test of Basic Skills at the end of the year. My school's scores went from the lowest ITBS scores to one of the highest. Our liste...See More
Jun 8, 2011

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