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I've never been a Harvey Daniels fan because I didn't like the rigidity of roles in his literature circles. But I have to say he really impressed me in the introduction. I love his willingness to change. And I particularly like his conclusion, "There is no topic more important to human development--or to education---than learning how we humans come to understand.

Were any of you lit circle people who moved to comprehension strategies?

What did you think of Daniels' intro?
KD Judy, Thank you. It is not that I don't like Daniels, but I don't like the roles in literature circles either. I don't think I could consider myself having been a lit circle person, I am a comprehension strategies person. I can't wait to get my book now. I got an email that it has been shipped- yeah! On 6/17/11, judy5ca wrote: > I've never been ...See More
Jun 17, 2011
Teri I have always been a Harvey Daniels fan--but perhaps hearing him speak in person made a difference--and I loved the introduction too. (I highlighted the same quotation that Judy posted!) I especially likes the Regie Routman quotation, "we are all born into this world comprehending." What a concept! So what are we doing to kids to make them stop com...See More
Jun 17, 2011

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