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Well, blow me down! I'd never liked Zimmermann as much as Keene, but I love the insight and thoughtfulness she displays here along with some solid recommendations. I agree with her fully that it's all about encouraging "daring thinking." I love that and am stealing it: daring thinking.

I am thrilled to hear her take on 21st century learning and warn us not to become "trivial."

I like her recommendation to "slow down" and her citing of Outliers and Gladwell's 10,000 hours of practice (thanks, Kim-wherever-you-are for recommending Outliers to me). I am so guilty of rushing and trying to fit more in. Slow down, Judy.

I especially like her reminder, "The thinking strategies are not an end in themselves. They are a means to an end. The end is avid reading and good thinking." (39)

Zimmermann said many of the same things Keene did, but somehow I felt more relevance in her thinking. Keene made me nod; Zimmermann inspired me.
Teri On 6/17/11, judy5ca wrote: > Well, blow me down! I'd never liked Zimmermann as much as > Keene, but I love the insight and thoughtfulness she > displays here along with some solid recommendations. I > agree with her fully that it's all about encouraging "daring > thinking." I love that and am stealing it: daring > thinking. > &...See More
Jun 17, 2011
nina This chapter is almost like a pep talk for teachers. It describes the kind of teacher most of want to be, for me, there is a great deal of conflict between Zimmerman's teacher and the reality of the 43 min. seven periods schoolday. The section, "Teacher Really Matter," brought on the same feelings that I had reading Keene, that there is no time for...See More
Jun 20, 2011
PMo I have always enjoyed the way Zimmermann writes, and this chapter confirmed it for me - so much passion, compassion and caring for what students can do and how they can be inspired to do it. I agree with Nina that it would make a terrific pep talk - not much new here for me, but did love Ellin's sidebar that..."Increasingly, good teaching becomes a...See More
Jun 25, 2011

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