Prof Readings
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Summer is definitely my time for professional reading/study. In addition to Comprehension Going Forward, which I'm re-reading for our discussions, I'm working on a couple/few other books this summer.

One is Robyn Jackson's Never Work Harder Than Your Students- -which appeared on my Amazon recommendations and really sounded good. I started it yesterday and am about 1/2 way through it already. While there's nothing "new" here, it is a great book for helping me reflect on what I have been doing in the classroom and re-focus on what I need to be doing in the classroom. The mastery self-assessment was a real eye-opener for me--revealing the area(s) where I really need to do some work.
judy5ca Thanks for the recommendation, Teri. I just read part of the first chapter at Amazon. I loved the idea of kids' currency and was really getting involved when I ran out of free. So I ordered it. Judy

On 6/18/11, Teri wrote: > Summer is definitely my time for professional > reading/study. In addition to Comprehension Going Forward, >...See More
Jun 18, 2011

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