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My favorite quotation for this chapter came from one of the sidebars--"Gradual release is not a linear process but rather a recursive and dynamic one." (Stephanie Harvey)

I like the notion that we can "release" the students but then go back to modeling or add more scaffolding if they need it.

I agree with Debbie Miller that students need to be involved with the lessons right from the start, instead of just WATCHING us, the teachers, constantly just modeling. The need to be actively learning, not just watching us do all the work.

Idea about my teaching inspired by this chapter: 1. I've been starting my classes with SSR time. However, I think I'm going to move SSR to the end of class and have students practice the strategy using their SSR book/reading. This will, I think, have a second benefit of making some of the harder-sell students buy into SSR since their will be a "purpose" to it.
judy5ca Thanks, Teri, for getting us started (typing is a little easier today).

I love the quotation you selected about gradual release. Most good teachers used gradual release even before it was called that, but Miller so clearly defines its meaning and worth. I was cheering as I read her lesson, her perfect lesson. I love the way she takes us th...See More
Jun 24, 2011
dc Yes, that just reminded me of your writer's workshop approach Judy! You always spoke about how the focus of conferences was on the writer, not the writing....I think Debbie Miller is saying this as well. Our focus should be on the reader, not the specifics of the reading.

I love Debbie Miller, loved her book Reading with Meaning. It really...See More
Jun 24, 2011
PMo I agree, Judy -- I just loved that way Miller focuses, again and again, on "what are you learning about yourself as a reader"? But I really recognized my class she discussed the way in which a concluding-share can turn into a wearying topic-fest rather than an exploration of what was HAPPENING for the readers as they read. These are pieces that I w...See More
Jun 25, 2011
judy5ca Exactly, PMo! I work very hard to make the classroom a safe and caring community, but there are 2 times I curtly cut kids off: during reading when "It's all about me" (personal connection) and during writing when they try to connect an event in another writer's work to their own experiences (then I'm downright rude: "Stop. This is about JoeBob's wr...See More
Jun 25, 2011

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