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Building a Better Book Club, by Leslie Blauman

What did you all think of this chapter? I really liked her approach and I plan on buying her book just to read more about her Book Lover's Book. She seems to have her kidskeep a simple book log, notes, and responses all in one notebook that she uses for accountability and assessment, as well as for the kids to "capture their thinking".

What do you all use to capture kids' thinking? Do kids write on a worksheet on a clipboard? Do they write in a journal? A piece of paper? Sticky note?

I also liked that she does whole class novel studies. I have seen the power of doing that more and more and enjoy our whole class novel studies in third grade. I have seen more kids "turned on" to reading chapter books just from this approach. The trick is to balance the reading enjoyment with the discussion, so you don't tip away from the power of the book itself with too many "teachable moments". She recommends doing only one or t...See More
dc The first one sent accidentally!
Jul 1, 2011
Teri On 7/01/11, dc wrote: > Building a Better Book Club, by Leslie Blauman > > What did you all think of this chapter? I really liked her > approach and I plan on buying her book just to read more > about her Book Lover's Book. She seems to have her kidskeep > a simple book log, notes, and responses all in one notebook > that she u...See More
Jul 1, 2011
judy5ca This chapter was affirming (notice their thinking and discuss). I loved her idea of linking to an anchor novel. That actually happened (accidentally) with my first novel read aloud 2 years ago. Last year I switched 1st novels and there were few connections. I'm going to work harder to pick a good anchor for the 1st read next year (or go back in tim...See More
Jul 1, 2011

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