Prof Readings
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Was there a decision to not read.discuss Schmoker? I checked today and it looks like we are back on reading comprehension? I guess I missed the announcement...I thought we started Schmoker and would finish it before beginning something else. Oh, well...I put Schmoker back on my shelf, but I'm sorry we didn't discuss it.
judy5ca Jan,

We did a real disservice to Schmoker. I loved what I read of that book (about half) and found myself quoting it quite a bit to my colleagues. When our discussion petered out, so did my reading. I'm sorry if we let you down. I'd be happy to take it up again if someone wants to be moderator/organizer/starter.

Now, about Compreh...See More
Jul 9, 2011
dc I read Schmoker really fast. We had a discussion on the book as a whole, I think, rather than dissecting it chapter by chapter. Perhaps we should go back and do that. I LOVED what he had to say. I would LOVE to teach that way every day and even gave the book to my principal to read. My husband's school is also doing a book study on it. I did, feel,...See More
Jul 10, 2011

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