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Everyone has heard that it is important to read to children from a very early age; but, do you know WHY it is important? What are the benefits of reading aloud to children, and what can the reader to maximize the benefits of those reading experiences?
Sharun Latif Thanks for sharing this educational site. There are some great strategies to use with the grade 1 students. I totally agree with the benefits of reading aloud to lower primary students. I usually read aloud in my class, at least 2 to 3 books during the day and have seen the interest my students show. They really look forward for this session. They ...See More
Jul 15, 2018
Samantha Thanks for these great tips, tricks and strategies. Yes the more we read aloud to our kids, it helps develop their interest in reading.I also agree with the great benefit reading aloud has on our kids as well. There are some good books on storyline online library, . Try this your kids will love it.
Jul 15, 2018
Tim Nollan I really appreciate for these tips. I think writing skills should also be improved! There are many resources. I use There are many reviews of writing services.
Sep 20, 2019

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