Reading First
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What is the big deal about all looking at the same text rather than their own. Also, I know i should teach kids that learning to read is important. When they ask why, I'd like to have a good answer. (and writing also) I've done the usual "books will take you anywhere, you need to write santa, we write thank yous, etc. But I know there's a better answer for all three of these questions. thx k
paulaj On 12/01/08, katie wrote: > What is the big deal about all looking at the same text > rather than their own. > Also, I know i should teach kids that learning to read is > important. When they ask why, I'd like to have a good > answer. (and writing also) > I've done the usual "books will take you anywhere, you > need to write sa...See More
Apr 2, 2009

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