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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I've been teaching for four years and will be looking for a
new position this spring. I've taught fourth and fifth
grade math for the past four years. I'm looking to leave
my current district because they don't offer whole
classroom instruction (regular ed) for the grade level I
want to teach. I have experience teaching BSI math, as
well as all subjects on the elementary level. I'm on many
committees, involved in a number of after-school programs,
and am currently writing grade level curriculum.

When I was looking for my first job several years ago it
was nearly impossible to find anything because of my lack
of experience. Will it be easier to find a job now? I
imagine it would be, but want to get the opinion of those
on the other side of the interviewing table. When I first
interviewed all I heard was, "We're going with someone with
more experience." Now I hope I'M the one with that
experien...See More
FB /blockquote>

On 11/09/07, NJ Teacher wrote:
> I've been teaching for four years and will be looking for
> new position this spring. I've taught fourth and fifth
> grade math for the past four years. I'm looking to leave
> my current district because they don't offer whole
> classroom instruction ...See More
Dec 29, 2007

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