We're all familiar with the story of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and thus, it is the perfect opportunity to uncover the “teachable moments” within the text.
Quotes from the infamous story along with 5 lessons that may inspire us as educators...
We are in Nice (France) and are looking for a french speaking class of 7-8 years old. We have a préférence for a class from New York. Vicky [email removed]
"I hear many people talk about tolerance and how we must learn to be tolerant toward those who are different from us. When we tolerate something, we put up with it temporarily until it is gone. We tolerate a toothache, back pain, and loud music coming from a neighbor’s house. Why would we ever put what we do with children in the same category? Instead, we should celebrate the differences of our children."
Click over to read the rest, including several simple but powerful classroom activities you can incorporate immediately.
Other schools have various portable electronic devices provided in the classrooms. It is up to the teacher to ensure that the electronic devices are correctly obtained, carried, and returned to the storage location. Here are excellent tips for you, and to share with your entire campus.
Stats, observations and strategies that will be helpful in supporting the ELL (English Language Learners) students in your classroom, starting with broad guidelines for working with ELL students, then offering targeted instructional strategies to improve reading, writing. and comprehension skills.
Hope everyone is having a good year. I came across a conectar game for verb conjugations. Its a grid with verbs on left and the top row has the verbs. Students are to get four in a row? I am not sure what the specific directions are to play. Can someone please post the directions in order for my students to play this? I would really appreciate it!
You are the best teacher ever and when i say the best i mean it you make me smile when i get -0 on my speling test.I bet you are going to have vantastick class next year