My class looking for a set of pen pals that we can start to regularly write to. I currently have 23 students in my classroom. We are located in McDonough,Georgia. I am looking for U.S. based second grade classroom to interact with. Thanks so much!
A teacher with ADHD writes candidly about her past struggles as a student, her current challenges as a teacher with ADHD, and what she's learned about how to manage the effects of ADHD.
Read the article linked below to learn how to plan and implement ...See MoreBuddy programs consist of upper-grade students paired with younger children for projects and other interaction. The experience provides benefits for both students involved, providing children with stimulating opportunities for learning, skill development and social support.
Read the article linked below to learn how to plan and implement an effective buddy program in your school or classroom.
I have twins daughters 7 years old. They are going grade 2 . However they can't read... What can I do...? Can you recommend special teacher who can come our home to teac.
2. Should it be taught separate for ...See MoreI am trying to find a Social Studies teacher who could answer a couple of questions for me. I am currently in school and I have an essay due and it needs to include questions. Ages taught 6-9. 1. How much time should be focused on teaching S.S. and does not interfere with other state mandated curricula?
2. Should it be taught separate for younger students and aligned with literacy?
3. What kind of sequence would be appropriate and should it be used daily?
4. What are the most important lessons that should be covered and why?
I will not answer all of your questions but here is my experience (37 years). Most school districts have a social studies curriculum and that will guide the lessons that you cover.Because of the ever increasing demand on time, you need to integrate social studies (and science) into other subject areas whenever possible. For instance, during centers I usually have the book in my listening center correspond with what we are learning about in social studies or science. I have a browsing center with books on the same subject area for students to read. If possible have them write about what you are studying. I usually do social studies daily for the length of a unit (maybe 4 weeks) and then do the same with science. We are supposed to do both daily but it is not feasible. In addition I try to tie in my read aloud book with what we are studying.
John Wood's irreverent notes to his substitute teacher will surely make you laugh, and the student behaviors and personalities he describes might seem all too familiar...
Teachers will get a kick out of this collection of school-based groaners by humorist John Wood who reports from the fictional Fuddle River School District. (Be sure to share the link with friends who need a laugh.)
Cheryl Sigmon wrote: There is no evidence that ability grouping is necessary for Differentiating Instruction. Here’s how teaching all children to read, write and grow in literacy can be accomplished.