Second Grade
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HELP! I need help with teacing fluency. My second grade student are excellent with comprehension.Howerver, they struggle with fluency. I understand the definition of fluency. I don't understand how to teach it. I can't picture it in my mind how this would look in my class. I need ideas, strategies, suggestions, activities, center ideas or anything that will help me help my students.
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Judy2/Ca We level all of our 2nd graders for reading and I have the group still working on beginning reading skills. We read poetry and make poetry books to take home (kids love it), echo read, choral read, read high frequency words/Dolch words together, and use Readers' Theatre when we can. They also like me to set the timer for 1 minute and they read a pa...See More
Jan 16, 2012
Meg Hi. I use a few things. One thing I do is shared reading. We have a morning message that we all read together and then a student of the day reads it to the class. We focus on fluency, expression, etc.

They all have fluency homework. I use and print out fluency passages on their independent reading level. They have a week to ...See More
Jan 22, 2012
arachgold Have students triple read a passage that is below their grade level. Each time they read the passage they try to beat their time a the number of errors. They can record their results on a bar graph.

On 1/22/12, Meg wrote: > Hi. > I use a few things. > One thing I do is shared reading. We have a morning message > that we all r...See More
Jan 29, 2012
Stacie Stewart Super Speed 100 is a fun game that I play with my second grade students. I recommend using whole brain teaching methods found on the following site.....[link removed].

On 1/22/12, Meg wrote: > Hi. > I use a few things. > One thing I do is shared reading. We have a morning message > that we all read together and then a studen...See More
Feb 12, 2012
sara whole brain teaching website has speed reading with a partner, they have a list of words that are repeated. I circled every other word and made copies. One student points and reads either the circled word or the ones that are not. Their partner reads the other words. They get 1 minute and mark how far they go....then they get another minute to beat...See More
May 8, 2012

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