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Just wondering what others would do in this situation. I have a coworker who is not doing her job. She is a younger teacher(4 years) who has been doing less and less each year. She comes as late as possible and leaves as early as possible without taking work home. She has students who need to be assessed for special services, but she doesn't want to take time to fill out paperwork on them. The aide tells me that she isn't teaching and helping the students. She just sits at her desk and is on the computer while the aide is the one walking around to help students. She has even said that she wishes she could stay at home and not have to work. The problem is that many extra duties get thrown to me because they don't want to ask her to do more. She gets extra aide time to do copying and other little things and then she doesn't have to take things home. It's getting to the point that I don't even want to be there because she isn't pulling her weight. I even had a parent of one of her student...See More
Leah You seem justified to be upset. It's not fair to be asked to do another teachers extra duties. If another parent complains to you, I would be tempted to say that if he/she has concern the principal would be the one to tell. If enough parents were unhappy with this teacher, perhaps something would be done.

Or, are you the only other second...See More
Feb 1, 2012
Judy2/CA The aide can talk to the principal about what she is having to do in the classroom and what she observes the teacher doing. The parent should be discussing her concerns with the principal. You can discuss the inequality of aide time and duties among 2nd grade teachers with the principal. When the teacher arrives/leaves and work she does/doesn't tak...See More
Feb 1, 2012
Sara On 1/31/12, 2ndgraderocks wrote:

How could anyone say you're not justified in being upset? It might be a bit extreme to say you'd rather not be there because of this but to be upset about it makes sense.

And this happens - it's real. For whatever reason some people in their jobs do less and less - maybe they're bored, maybe they'...See More
Feb 6, 2012

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