Second Grade
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I am asking about my almost 9 year old granddaughter. She has always reversed a lot of her letters and numbers, but she has stopped reversing some most of the time in her writing. For instance, she doesn't write 31 mirrored when she really wants 13. Her s, d and b, g and a couple others still get reversed when writing. I have difficulty reading her written work due to that and her tendency to not take care in writing carefully. When I bring up this reversal thing with her teacher (I am the guardian), she seems to dismiss this. I thought they let these kinds of reversals go until age 7 before looking into it. I am so thankful they have started cursive writing (yep here they still do it) but how is that going to take care of the numbers? Would you think just good old repetitive practice over the summer would take care of this? She will have the same teacher next year(looping) who is very good for dgd for many reasons. What do you do with students who are still reversing this late?
...See More
ona Grandma, it didn't seem like your granddaughter's problem was getting much attention, so hopefully this website will help:

[link removed]

Happy teaching!!

On 4/21/12, Grandma wrote: > I am asking about my almost 9 year old granddaughter. She > has always reversed a lot of her letters and numbers, but > she has st...See More
May 12, 2012
NHteacher I teach 2nd grade and don't worry! Reversals are developmental through 3rd grade.
May 26, 2012
Grandma Thanks, ona and NHteacher.

Second grade is over and she was doing well with cursive in taking care of the letter reversals. The other day she printed her name and I was surprised to see she started it from the right side of the paper and had it exactly mirrored across again. The numbers and when she prints are still reversed.

She...See More
May 26, 2012

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