Second Grade
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Hey there 2nd grade friends. It's the end of the year and I'm up for my final evaluation of the year. I am a first year teacher in second grade. The skill I've been asked to present for my evaluation is Summarizing. DOes anyone have a mini-lesson, focus lesson graphing organizers etc. that get the children engaged that they could share. I have ideas going thru my head but thought I'd consult the pros who've done this before and perhaps could give infor. on something that really works! I don't want to 'test' my ideas during an evaluation.

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Who's in front of the Class Don't you think you are being a bit harsh? People come to the chatboard to share ideas, not insults. You should be ashamed of your response. If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.....

On 4/23/12, who is in front of the class wrote: > Isn't this your evaluation? Isn't it supposed to be about > what you know an...See More
Apr 23, 2012
paula I have been working with my second graders for a couple of weeks on a descriptive writing that will be their final assessment.

I think the most important thing is to get your kids to identify the beginning, middle, and end of what you are summarizing.

It is hard for second graders not to give too much information and/or get off ta...See More
Apr 28, 2012
to Who's from who is Someone's child is destined to be this teacher's student. The teacher is being evaluated, not some people from a chatboard that give her ideas when she can't come up with ones on her own. I don't care if it is a first evaluation or last evaluation. What I do care about is that it is an evaluation of what she can come up with and do independently. T...See More
Apr 28, 2012
Judy2/Ca I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for suggestions for a classroom lesson even it is for an evaluation. She could find a lesson online or even on this website - how she implements it is the important part I would think. I quit doing dog and pony shows a long time ago so my lesson would consist of whatever I was normally doing that da...See More
Apr 29, 2012
ona I agree with Judy. Teaching is a difficult job. I don't think I could have survived 33 years without the help and support of other teachers. We have always supported each other professionally and personally.

Are you a teacher? I can't imagine a teacher suggesting we not help a fellow teacher in the preparation of a lesson. When you prepar...See More
May 6, 2012

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