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I have the 4 square books and I love them, but I'm not sure how to get the information across to my students. There is one example and I keep trying to think of more....then the students come up with things that don't fit.

so confused....I suck at teaching writing....

anybody have ideas to get me better at teaching writing?
Sara On 5/08/12, kris wrote: > I have the 4 square books and I love them, but I'm not sure > how to get the information across to my students.

Why do you love them?

I don't love any of the prepackaged programs - I teach writing by having the kids write. I try to draw them out with interesting writing prompts and with helping the...See More
May 9, 2012
Leanne/CA I've used several prepackaged programs when our school district adopted them, and they don't work. Every time I seem to go back to Sara's way of teaching writing. Read Lucy Caulkins' The Art of Teaching Writing, then adapt your minilessons to fit what the children need. I find it changes every year, and every child's needs are different.

...See More
Jun 15, 2012

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