Second Grade
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Hello! I will be teaching 2nd grade in the fall. I wanted to run my behavior management plan by some of you veteran 2nd grade teachers. I really don't like the idea of "treasure box" … I've done it in the past and it created a lot of problems and was pretty expensive, too!

Basically, my class will have an opportunity to earn 25 points each day for following the rules and having good behavior. I turn this into a game called, "Students vs. Teacher" … I put a score board on the whiteboard and every time I catch a student behaving correctly, they get a point. If a rule is broken, after one warning I get a point. At the end of the day, my points are subtracted from their points.

If they make 25 points, they get to spin the spinner on the class game board at the end of the day and move a class game piece around the board. On the board are various silly "treats" they can participate in as they head out the door … like a quick game of Simon Says or a round of Chicken ...See More

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