Second Grade
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Hi my name is Bashia, I am a Special Education major at Ohio State University. I was wondering if the teachers who use this blog would be willing to a few questions that I am going to post on here. I am taking a music class and I need some feedback from classroom teachers. Thanks in advance for all of your help and I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing summer break!!

Classroom Teacher Interview

How do you use music in your classroom?

Are you able to use music as much as you would like? If so, how do you create opportunities? If not, what are the obstacles?

Are there any resources that you find helpful to include music in your class?

Do you have a music specialist in your school? If so, do you work with him/her to support each other’s objectives? If not, are you responsible for providing music for your students?
Sheli I teach 2nd grade... and I try to use music in my classroom as much as possible. I teach the kids several songs to use in math and language. This seems to be very helpful because the students are able to to remember the songs and it makes learning fun.

We do have a music specialist and I do go to her when trying to find new ways to use mu...See More
Jun 25, 2012
Deb I teach second grade also. I use some simple songs for teaching math facts, lining up, energizers and social studies (continents, oceans, etc.). I do not teach any mechanics of music because I don't have time and the music specialist is expected to do that as part of his/her job. I use CD's by Dr. Jean, Greg and Steve, and others. Depending on the ...See More
Jun 26, 2012

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