Second Grade
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I am a Kindergarten teaching jumping up to 2nd grade.I taught 2nd grade from 1988-1990, so I know things are very different. I have been teaching K for the last 10 years, and I find I use many of the same methods/concepts I used when I taught 2nd grade. I do use Reading A-Z, but I only use Levels aa and A and then move on to Rigby books. I don't think the books are leveled very well, so I use the Rigby books since they match the DRA2 text levels. We have a book room filled with books, but I'm thinking I should use a variety of reading material. Do you use Reading A-Z with your students? Can you give me some advice on your perspective of the levels so I can begin downloading and printing books? Thanks!
kathyb2ndia retired I was at my last assignment - 2nd Grade for 8 years and loved every minute of it. My school used Accelerated Reader, but I had many books that weren't in the tons of purchased comprehension tests. Therefore, when the three of us started using Reading A-Z it was a lifesaver!

The Benchmark books were very useful, even endorsed by the school ...See More
Jun 27, 2012
Charliethecow I have used Reading A-Z with my Kindergarteners, and the PTA has provided an account for me. My principal isn't thrilled with it, and the word on the street is she is going to cut it. I am thinking I need to print like mad before my access is cut. I have copied everything from aa-B; my kids used Rigby books after B since the K team had leveled read...See More
Jun 28, 2012
John Jorgenson My name is John Jorgenson and I work at Learning A-Z. I just wanted to clarify that Reading A-Z (a product of ours) uses a comprehensive leveling software to level our books. This robust software looks at over a dozen attributes that contribute to text difficulty (unlike most leveling systems that look at only vocab and sentence length). To learn m...See More
Jun 29, 2012
kathyb2ndia retired It was not a choice to change from Reading A-Z Benchmarks to Fontas- Pinnell Benchmark Assessments.

Originally, the district paid for Reading A-Z Benchmark membership, as well as, provided training, compiling and actually gave us subs, so we could learn to use it with Reading First funds. We were already using Reading A-Z Benchmark booklet...See More
Jul 3, 2012
kathyb2ndia retired John, thank you for explaining why I, as a teacher, was so comfortable with using Reading A-Z program. It is teacher- student friendly with results in the leveled readers that were best for our students. Yes, Reading A-Z has a membership fee, but nothing like what other programs cost with much more uses in addition to the benchmark testing aspect. ...See More
Jul 3, 2012

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