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Teachers please share some of your SMART ideas for our paper work. I'm looking for some short cuts to make my life easier. These days, there seems to be more and more to do, beyond teaching. The days of having a teacher assistants to help has passed, unfortuneately. Whew, I won't even mention the added computer work, new evaluations, and professional development. I'll share first:

1. Each child is assigned a number according to my current alphabetical student list. These days I use the numbers on my common core check lists instead of my a grade book.

2. I teach my students to write their number on all of their papers.

3. This number system helps my student "secretary" to record homework completion, returning newsletter/conduct sheets to their folders, and sorting graded papers to go home. It also helps me with marking mastery and nonmastery of skills.

3. My students are taught to pass in papers to the labeled and color coded folders and trays in orde...See More
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ona Thanks,I'm a k teacher! I also use templates for lesson plans, spelling test, and newsletters. I especially like the idea of labeling them week 1, week 2, etc. Very smart!!

On 7/08/12, I'm a k teacher wrote: > I made a template for my lesson plans on my computer and only > need to fill in the details that actually change from day to ...See More
Jul 9, 2012
ona Judy, we have similar ways of using the assigned number system. I also keep files for the office,facilitator,reading coach,etc., but mine are in a hanging files. I have been keeping files lately beside my kidney-shaped table in a "milk" crate. Most teachers at my school have given up our teacher's desk,where I use to keep my files. So my hub for pa...See More
Jul 9, 2012
Judy2/CA I use the milk crates too for the kids' portfolios - it takes 2 for the homeroom(32 kids) and 2 for my lang arts group(35 kids). What we correct together in class is the work they've done by themselves. Part of the math we would have done together and they continue by themselves. Then we go back and check/work it together. I don't collect those pap...See More
Jul 9, 2012
ona Judy2, oh my goodness when it comes to assessments, I think you could use a few short cuts!! I realize there are some test we have to give according to our school system or principal, but if I were you, I would question the need for many of the others. There is something to be said about over testing our children. Whenever I make my own test, I do ...See More
Jul 13, 2012
Judy2/CA Other than the math assessments I give to assess kids for the report card, the other tests are district tests that must be given. My rolling cart is bungee corded together - this is the last one I'm buying. I didn't get rid of my desk - it still there. Most of us don't store anything in our desks. For a long time our district was year round and we ...See More
Jul 13, 2012

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