Second Grade
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My carpet is three years old. I've had a water only policy (except for class parties) in my room because of this (the previous carpet was over 20 years old before it got replaced). This year every child will be eating breakfast in the classroom. I have desks. All children in the school will have a specified time when breakfast ends - if they don't have time to finish, too bad. Please let me know how you have managed food in your classroom.

How do I get their desktops clean in minimal time? I was thinking of having them design a construction paper placemat that I can laminate - but then again, where to keep it and how to clean them? Maybe that is more of a nuisance?

Do I have sponges ready for kids that have sticky syrupy desks? Then again, sponges spread germs/bacteria.

I have a sink in the corner that only has cold water. Do I have them wash their hands after they eat? Do I have wet wipes available? Hand sanitizer?

When our time is cut off, we a...See More
Kimberly Well - I don't have a carpet so I can't help you with that. We always eat snack in the classroom and sometimes lunch when the cafeteria is needed for something else.

I wouldn't do placemats - I'd hate the idea of cleaning them and then giving them time to dry. I'd think they'd stick together no matter how you washed them especially if syru...See More
Aug 13, 2012
deb My kids eat breakfast in the classroom...I have very little problems. We don't have a carpet, but I hardly ever had a spill. I teach my kids how to cleanup...they manage...we have a large garbage pail right outside the classroom, so they throw out their trash when they are done. I have taught them how to be independent, take care of their needs. I ...See More
Aug 14, 2012

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