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I'm organizing our 4th annual Tongue Twister Exchange

Details: 26 teachers/classrooms exchange tongue twisters for each letter of the alphabet by snail mail. There's the possiblity of a tech component to the project (as yet not organized).

Each teacher chooses one letter of the alphabet to write a tongue twister for. An illustrated version of the tongue twister is mailed to each classroom in the exchange by November 1, 2012. Your tongue twister should not be larger than 8 1/2 x 11" because most teachers are placing the collected tongue twisters in a binder or book. It is optional, but recommended that you include sheet with information about your classroom, school, city or state.

All grade levels welcome and more than one teacher or classroom from a school are welcome.

We currently have a, e, i, k, l, n, o q, u, v, w, x, y, z available.

It is necessary that you communicate details about yourself before your membership in the WIKI will be acc...See More

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