Second Grade
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I am starting the school year as a second grade teacher, again.

I love to teach, I just don't feel like I am doing a good job at second grade. I am again confused and surprised by my students and their parents.

I find the students are all over the place with abilities, both social and academic.

I plan and work hard to keep my students engaged and interested. My units are well thought out. I base my year on standards and rigor. I set my standards, we discuss what should be done, how it looks, I model, we pair work before I assign independent work. I am not a "newbie" and have taught for many years.

My frustration is the need for constant repetition to reach basic student compliance.

My kids either aren't interested in what I am sharing or they are begging to "color" or some other non-academic mindless activity.

I would be more than satisfied to do mindless, non-academic activities except I have standards to meet, Pacing Guides, and ...See More
me too Yes. Feeling better about it this year. Last year I moved to 2nd, along with 2 other gals, so we had an all new 2nd grade team. Also, we switched to Common Core standards for K - 2 in my district. Also, at the same time, tossed out our math series and reading series, got a new reading program (its good!) new spelling, new phonics, and started creat...See More
Sep 3, 2012
Paul Not too long ago, school used to be fun for elementary kids but with the new standards, we all feel pressed for time to get it all in. Everyone is feeling the brunt of standardized testing and rigor rigor rigor. I think it takes time for kids to adapt to a new school year where there are higher expectations. Hang in there; we're all in the same boa...See More
Sep 3, 2012
anon op Thanks for your support. I really appreciate your comments.
Sep 3, 2012
I Concur! Sorry, I don't think I'm helping OP. My frustration this year is that I don't have enough time. How in the world can I cover it all? I thought it was just me, but then I started talking to the third grade teachers and found out that we are feeling overwhelmed with the expectations placed on us. How in the world can a first year teacher survive? If my first year had such rigorous expec...See More
Sep 15, 2012
OP I just revisited this post. Things have improved and I am feeling like I am reaching my new class. They have discovered they enjoy learning and that the time is magic when we are all working and learning.

I have some challenges this year, a recently main-streamed SDC child, an undiagnosed autistic child, and another who has recurring brain...See More
Oct 6, 2012

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