Second Grade
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I have an extremely low 2nd grader regarding math skills. She can use Touch Math to answer math addition problems. But concept development is really lacking...She can recognice numbers out of sequence from 1-100. If I show her 3 numbers from 11-20 out of sequence, she has difficulty putting them in order from low to high. Have you had experience with this and if so, what are you using? Thanks in advance.
Beth in CA ut a number line in front of her - 1-20 would be good to start with. Have her make the numbers with snap blocks, up in the air or down on the table.

She probably has no number sense. If she does this a few times, you can then have her make (with blocks) the 3 numbers you want her to sort, then have her put them in order of least to greate...See More
Sep 15, 2012

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