Second Grade
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Good day I would like to know what I can do in my situation. I studied for Highschool education Biology and Geography, but I am currently a Grade 2 teacher in South-Africa. I am really struggling to teach these children reading. The problem crept in at Grade 1. Where the teacher (that left the school) did not teach the children properly and put them through to grade 2. Now I sit with a class of 23 children and 15 of them is going to fail, mostly due to reading or more occupational therapy problems. The parents do not want to take their children to the OT. I have explained phonics and did spelling and sight words and revised all of them again. If I give them short sentences with a picture they can "read"... But if I ask them without the pictures they don't know any of the words. I have gone through the alphabet countless times and some of them still don't know how to spell the words. If I have a reading period with them most of them are playing so much and being so naughty not even my t...See More
Vet Teacher On 10/16/14, Worried teacher wrote:

It would be very unusual - quite remarkable even- for any class of second graders in the U.S to master the concept of time in a single day. Is that commonly done in S.A? That's impressive if so. Time is an abstract concept that is taught over the course of a school year here and with digital clocks every...See More
Oct 23, 2014
Babs On 10/16/14, Worried teacher wrote: > Good day > I would like to know what I can do in my situation. I studied for > Highschool education Biology and Geography, but I am currently a > Grade 2 teacher in South-Africa. I am really struggling to teach these > children reading. The problem crept in at Grade 1. Where the teacher > (tha...See More
Jun 22, 2015

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