I used this website for history to check for student understanding and it worked great. The kids loved it, it was easy to use, and the end results could not have been better! Try it out today.I even use it to present information.
Do you have an actual web site? I googled the name yo...See MoreOn 6/23/11, Kristi Barber wrote: > I used this website for history to check for student > understanding and it worked great. The kids loved it, it > was easy to use, and the end results could not have been > better! Try it out today.I even use it to present > information.
Do you have an actual web site? I googled the name you gave but could not find it.
In my opinion, it's the most usual new board for me. Teaching middle school ESL, I spent too much time here at home finding new sites to visit and use lesson plans, etc. So, thanks for creating it, Bob, and to all of the posters who have contributed. I've been adding a few to my Favorites and hope to learn about many more.
Wow! Super job posting everyone. Thanks! Some were old favorites and some were new. Thankfully it is only June (tongue in cheek)and I have all of July (ha ha) to tackle a site a day and just have fun. Here are a few of mine. [link removed]
You're right about that!! I'm going to point a friend in the direction of the 4th-5th grade info, as she's doing a lot of work with Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, right now.
I used a lot of their primary grade material the last year I was teaching.
Don't know if all states are on there, but Texas sure is! This is a good site that keeps track of student practice data for you. Our school has a site license and used it all year for the older students.
Do you have an actual web site? I googled the name yo...See More