I was whining to a friend just last night that I go to the same three or four sites all the time when a world of information is at my finger tips! Posts will be watched, my friends! Jack/AR/7-8
On 6/23/11, Jack/AR/7-8 wrote: > I was whining to a friend just last night that I go to the > same three or four sites all the time when a world of > information is at my finger tips! Posts will be watched, > my friends! > Jack/AR/7-8
On 6/23/11, Jack/AR/7-8 wrote: > I was whining to a friend just last night that I go to the > same three or four sites all the time when a world of > information is at my finger tips! Posts will be watched, > my friends! > Jack/AR/7-8
On 6/23/11, Jack/AR/7-8 wrote: > I was whining to a friend just last night that I go to the > same three or four sites all the time when a world of > information is at my finger tips! Post...See More