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As a student once my self I have explored (and avoided) many

Your protection is limited only by the amount of effort you
put in and the creativity of your students. There are 3
types of "firewalls" out there:

1) Software on users computer. This is cheap, easy to
install, and as long as the student isnt tech savy, fairly
effective. Mainly for home computers.

2) Proxy server: More expensive, better protection, harder
to setup, and requires the student to know a bit more about
internet and its inner workings to get around it. Small
business applications.

3) DNS server with a contnet blocking Firewall: Very
expensive, much better protection IF done correctly, easier
setup than proxy, and requires the student to be a genuine
hacker to break it. If you student can avoid it you have one
of two things. A) It wasnt setup correctly B) You have a
brilliant student that should be helped a...See More

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