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To All Interested Science Teachers!

RockSim is a computer program that allows you to design any
size rocket, and then simulate its flight to see how high,
and how fast it will fly. You can also use it to find the
best rocket motor combinations for your existing kits, and
to teach yourself and others about the physics of rocket
flight. More modelers, teachers, and engineers use RockSim
than all the other rocketry programs combined! Rocksim
offers the educator a wonderful tool to teach about
rocketry. Here are some of the many benefits:

1. Allows the student to simulate hundreds of rocket
flights very quickly -- this saves lots of money! Just
think of the time saved too. You don’t have to spend
hundreds of dollar buying motors and hours-and-hours of
time building different configurations, launching,
recovering, and repacking rockets.

2. Safety. When you go out to fly rockets, knowing how
th...See More

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